Fuji Film Electronic Imaging

software development: Microsoft Windows, C++, C#, SQL
Fuji Film Electronic Imaging
business sector
digital imaging
Hemel Hempstead, Milton Keynes, UK

Dibase supplied Fuji Film Electronic Imaging with software development services for several projects:

  • Porting an existing raster image processor management application from a Microsoft Visual C++ MFC application to a cross platform code base that would build and run natively on both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X.

  • A MFC dialog application providing factory and on-site calibration and testing functions for a specially produced micro scanner.

  • MFC based prototype applications for a life science digital microscope and viewer application for the resultant images.

  • A greenfields life sciences microscope project. Dibase provided analysis and architectural design and documentation services along with C# and Microsoft SQL Server skills for an initial proof of concept and C++, CORBA and Linux system development skills to device data handling module development.